Virtual Payment Channel
How can this wallet be self custodial? · Issue #5 · muun/apollo
Rene PickhardtさんはTwitterを使っています: 「Starting to work on Splicing BOLT I accidentally came up with the idea of virtual payment channels. It's a bit crazy to propose a channel that needs trust but it seems to be useful: @lightning @Blockstream @acinq_co @alexbosworth @rusty_twit Any thoughts?」 / Twitter
DJ Seeds ⚡️さんはTwitterを使っています: 「I've recently reread @renepickhardt's Virtual Channels draft proposal. Virtual Channels would allow a single entity to run multiple nodes while leveraging the full capacity of all nodes (both inbound and outbound). Did anything come of this idea?」 / Twitter
Gossip v2 があったほうがいいよとのこと
ln node reliability - Virtual Lightning channels for high availability - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
ということは virtual payment channel のアイデア自体は意外といいのではという感じ?
lightning network - Why are multi hop virtual payment channels desirable? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange